Using setup wizard


Dec 27, 2002
I am trying to use the setup wizard to create a setup program for my application. How do I go about doing this? Can someone give an example of a simple application and how to create a setup for that? Thanks.
Yes, I was having prolems. I started the wizard, but could not find any place in the four menu-screens it provided where I could identify my application or its executable. There was one screen (of a total of 4) which asked for readme, html and other files, but none that asked for the application file. Thanks.
The Wizard asks you what you wish to include in the setup project. You can then see where somethnig goes by looking at the file system on target machine listview. Just make sure that you add the wizard to the solution that your app project is in.
How do you do that last step ... Just make sure that you add the wizard to the solution that your app project is in? Thanks. Do you also include dll files (that you developed) that you use in the application in the setup project?

Go to soultion explorer, right click on your solution, then go to add new project, then choose the setup wizard project type.
The wiazrd should include all DLL that your application depends on.
Thank you, Mutant, it was the linking of setup to the application that was the roadblock. I got a simple application going and working.
Just a caveat: those of us who are using standard don't have access to the setup wizard project type.
I pulled lots of hair out trying to figure out what the help articles/forum threads/books I referenced were talking
about when they referenced the setup wizard project type....
I just couldn't find it anywhere in my version. Made me nuts.
I think the standard does have some advantages though.
Paradoxically, its that we don't have the wizards! More work, but once navigated, a better understanding of the bowels of .net.
Same thing I think I mentioned to you before with regard to the Server Explorer.
I can't create a db from server. Have to use one created via access and then via osql commands from a c prompt, grant acess.
It's what the server explorer does for you in the non-Standard versions.
Gave me a better understanding of msde but took lots of work.

Sometimes I think the forum forgets there are some limitations in some versions that could be confusing for a newcomer.

Just some thoughts,

I have the Professional edition. So I do I have the wizard. The only problem was that starting from a new project and entering wizard, there was no way for me to connect the wizard-project to my application. Going into the application, and using solution to add setup wizard did work, thanks to Mutant.