thats what I though also, but I keep seeing people or articles that say you can. example, read this:
he shows, although I havn't tried it yet, that you can read and write directly to the heap with marshal.
I'm asking, because I work for a MMO currency seller, for some games someone has developed apps in c++ that has the offset to a certain games money variable. So then when we deliver gold to our customer, the app sees it and reports back to a DB for inventory tracking. I already know, and the whole point of this thread is to see if it is possible to do the same thing in VB. I know you say no, but I just want to make sure before I devote time to learning c# or c++
It's ok if I cant do it in vb, but in that case would c# be ok for doing this or would i be better off in the long run to learn c++.
Note, I cant remember where I read it, but I think I heard somewhere that in c# you can use pointers, but it is impossible to have a pointer to a memory address outside of the c# program's own memory space, meaning I couldn't get to the game memory space to get the value, is that true??