USB Ejecting (any OS?)


Jan 18, 2004
Longview, TX [USA]
I'm working on a USB application that will connect to our network, run apps, etc.

When the device is plugged in, it will ask for the person's name and password, and give them access to the apps if that is correct.

If the credentials are wrong, I want to eject the USB drive.

Certainly, I want this to work with all Windows based systems, so this will be Unmanaged Code. Also, I would at least like the credentials checking tool to run a little if the device is connected to a Mac or a Linux box - if only to say, "You can't do this here!" before disconnecting the USB drive.

Does anyone know where I could go to for information on this sort of thing? I would imagine the code needs to be written in C or C++. I don't know how to make sure what I develop is compliant with other Operating Systems, and I don't even know how to tell a USB device to disconnect in Windows - much less any other OS.

I'm not really looking for answers - just directions and maybe some key terms to use in my search.

You may look into the mac and linux equlivent to the windows "autorun.inf" file; place those on the root of the drive and have them open an HTML file, then use JavaScript to detect which browser and which platform and display the correct message.