URI formats are not supported.


Mar 5, 2003

I get this error message when i load an xmlfile from a webserver and try to save it.

Is this because I don't have the access rights or need to import or set something to get it to support URI format?

There's no prob reading the xmlfile but only when saving...
umm, well i did this


then made some changes to the xml file then

and there's where the exception is thrown.

Is this what you mean?
By the way, I didn't do any connection to the server prior to this, just directly loaded from the website..
that's what i thought so too.

Now I'm thinking of using Java Server Pages cos I've used it before, as everytime I try to add an Active Server page, they will prompt me for some directory which I can make no sense of..

My friend passed me something like this:
<%ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; DataSource=c:\blalbalba %>

Does this mean that I can direcly access the files on the server?
No, that's a connection string for a database. It's possible that you could write some ASP that would write files to the webserver depending on information passed to it, but the best way would be to go in via FTP if possible.
Do this

Dim feed As New RSSFeed
        Dim webRead As New System.Net.WebClient
        Dim XMLDoc As XPathDocument
        '' Load data from web in XPathDocument
        XMLDoc = New XPathDocument(webRead.OpenRead(strRSSUrl))
        '' Makes a Node interator
        Dim docNavigator = XMLDoc.CreateNavigator()

If you want to node iterate.

Ive used WebReader because in my set of classes i access stuff that does not allways end in .xml, and XPAthDocument() doesnt like that :)
Just wanted to thank everyone for their help and advice, I have finally solved my problem by sourcing the internet for FTP class Libraries, and I'm currentl using one now on trial version. Which is fine by me anyway cos it's a school project, not a real live commercial thing.

In case you're wondering, I downloaded Key Technology's FTP class libraries.