Urgent Please help me out


May 2, 2003

If i have cookieless Sessions then i am able to capture the QueryString or the previous values. Can anyone please tell me why is it so? If i have cookieless Session will i not be able to pass values or get the previous aspx pages values?

What do you mean actually???

If you use cookieless session, then you no need to use QueryString to pass value, if you pass value through QueryString, then you no need to use session. Why you want to use both?
Thanks for replying bungpeg. In Cookieless Sessions the Session ID is embedded in the URL. Meaning it would look somewhat like this http://localhost:8080/(kvo3ckynw4zycrflopbbm14)/login.aspx I couldn't get values from http://localhost:8080/login.html in login.aspx via request.form("username") or request.form("password"). But, I am able to do via querystring now. Don't know why this is happening.

Please help me out.
I need to clarify your situation now, you got 2 pages? login.html and login.aspx? from login.html, user enter login information and you need to capture it in login.aspx? What is your purpose of using Session is to capture the value? because Request.Form("username") doesn't work? Are you using code-behind or only aspx file?

The recommended way to do this is: use login.aspx for your control (username & password textboxes...), and use code-behind to capture those values (request.form("username")...))

Do you understand what I mean? or I misunderstand your situation? :)
What u understood was correct. I validate in login.aspx, the username entered by the user in login.html. Since i use cookieless=true in web.config, the Session ID gets automatically embedded in login.aspx. I think that view state is lost (Please do excuse me if i am wrong since i read it somewhere while browsing the net).

If i take cookieless=true from web.config then i am able to pass
the value from html to aspx using Request.Form

I also would like to clarify that Session ID is different from "Sessions". I think for each user a session id is created which is stored as a cookie (Not Sure. Moderators i will be grateful if you could clarify this point). Since i use cookieless=true it is getting embedded in the url.

I think i have found out the solution for passing the values when cookieless="true". But mode of writing the code is little bit different. We have to use Context.Handler for this purpose.

I have same question

Hello zy_abc,

I meet the situation as you. could you please tell me how do you solve this problem by Context.Handler?

Thanks in advance.

zy_abc said:
I think i have found out the solution for passing the values when cookieless="true". But mode of writing the code is little bit different. We have to use Context.Handler for this purpose.
