URGENT: Open multiple windows....


Dec 22, 2004
The Frozen Tundra
Hello All,

I have an urgent problem. I have a site that I am developing, and part of the data being used for this project is one or more drawing or document files. These can be any number of formats (all web-displayable), such as TIF, JPG, PDF, DOC, XLS and so on.

I am relying on IE (required platform) to launch the appropriate applciation (this is on a company Intranet) to display the documents. The problem is, say there are four TIF images for a particular order. The user wants to be able to select the drawing name from a dropdown list, click a "Display Drawing" button, and have each succesive image open in a NEW window, so after choosing the four drawings, they will have five instances of IE open.

I am using the DisplayPopup method from the ClientSidePage class, but I cannot get it to open a second subsequent (third total) window. It keeps trying to re-use the first drawing window.

What do I have to do to get multiple sub-windows opened?


You could try and use javascript to open up the new windows:
function newWindow(){
  var doc = document.forms[0];
  window.open("http://localhost/webAppFTP/WebForm2.aspx", "Welcome", "width=350, height=25, resizeable=0, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, status=yes, left=0 , top=0")

Not sure if that is the way you want to do it.


Thanks for the quick reply. That's what the DisplayPopup method of the ClientSidePage class does. It creates the javascript to do a window.open. It is re-using the initially opened page for all subsequent documents.

I have changed the page to use a standard HTML hyperlink so I can specify the "_blank" target and get a new window every time.
