Urgent - Local vb.net take over by remote???


Aug 14, 2003
Hi, I am trying to create a site which can remotely control a website movement (i got motor attached to the cam). I also got a local interface in vb.net which constanly rotating the webcam. But if someone requests to control the system remotely I want to take over the local interface......

I was wondering if someone can help........

First you mention sites and websites, then webcams with motors, before talking about systems and interfaces, remote and local. What exactly are you trying to do here? I find your post extremely confusing.

well I got a webcam which has motors attached to so that it can rotate vertically and horizontally. I wrote a vb.net program which continurously capturing the webcam image and then apply dsp to detect motion...also in manual mode I can manually step the motor via my vb.net program..

In addition to that I want to be able to remotely control the webcam via the Internet.

The problem is that if the vb.net is running in auto mode, the webcam will rotating around non stop seeking for motion in a vacate room.

I want to create a website which allows me to take control over the vb.net app (may be tapped into the vb.net app and turn off the AutoRun bool) which allows me to control the webcam remotley.. ie. stepping the motor vertically or horizontally..