Uploading Files


Oct 6, 2003
I am not sure if this is the proper location for this question, but I am creating a .Net web application (written in C#) that allows a user to browse their local hard drive and upload a file to a server. I am having trouble with uploading a file to a server...not really sure what is the best method to use or how to go about it.

I found a FtpPutFile function - this seems promising, however, I could not find any examples of this. Does anyone have any good examples of this or know of a better way of accomplishing the same goal (i.e. allowing a user to upload a file to a server through my web app)

Thanks for your help...
If you are doing this via a browser then probably the easiest way is to use a file input control on your page, if you look under the HTML section of the toolbox you should find it (I can't remember it's exact name at the moment)