Upgraded VB6-VB.Net deployment problems


Oct 14, 2004

I hope someone can give me some points here cause I'm beginning to lose the will to live.
I have an app I've upgraded from VB6 and I am trying to create an installer for it an have hit a few problems.

1. 4 dlls were reported as not being able to be added to the setup project these were MSXML3.dll, scrrun.dll, shdocvw.dll & winhttp.dll. I'm guessing that these are installed in system32 by other packages (ie MSXML3.msm) - do I have to find out the original programs that initially installed these dlls and include them as merge modules in my setup(and if so how do I track down where they came from and how do I perform a check before installing).

2. I have been looking at the dependencies listed in the setup project and I've noticed something a bit concerning, a number of my references have dependencies on mscorlib. Some have dependencies on version 1.0.3300.0 and have an exclamation mark on them, others point to 1.0.5000.0 and seem to be fine, 2 others have dependencies on both 1.0.3300.0 and 1.0.5000.0.

I'll list the references and dependencies here just for completeness

ADODB - mscorlib 1.0.3300.0 (why is this here, my app does no DB stuff)
InterOp.MSXML2.dll - windows/system32/msxml3.dll
InterOp.Scripting.dll - windows/system32/scrrun.dll
InterOp.ShDocVw.dll - windows/system32/shdocvw.dll
InterOp.WinHttp.dll - windows/system32/winhttp.dll
Microsoft.MsHtml.dll - mscorlib 1.0.3300.0
Microsoft.StdFormat.dll - mscorlib 1.0.3300.0
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll - mscorlib 1.0.3300.0 & 1.0.5000.0
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll - mscorlib 1.0.3300.0 & 1.0.5000.0
MSDATASRC.dll - mscorlib 1.0.3300.0
stdole.dll - mscorlib 1.0.3300.0

Any replies that can throw even the merest of light on any of this would be massively appreciated.
The VB migration wizard is a pretty bad way to upgrade a VB6 project, often you are better off redesigning / recoding so you can take advantage of the newer .Net features.
One other problemis that the migration wizard requires your application to ship with a lot of legacy stuff - nearly every one of the the DLLs you listed above is a legacy COM component or a wrapper around legacy functionality; Only the ShDocVw.dll doesn't have a newer .Net equivalent.
In an ideal world I would have the time to clear out all the legacy stuff but I'm really up against the clock on this. The upgrade from vb6 was a bit ropey but I managed to clear out a multitude of old stuff and add some new required functionality but I don't have the time to dig out the rest. I'm not overly concerned about that (yet) as I just need to get my hands on the merge modules that install these dlls and include them in my setup project(i hope). I'm more concerned about the mscorlib stuff as I really don't have a clue where to start to sort this out. Cheers for replying anyway I've posted this all over the place and this is the only reply I've had so far.
The mscorlib stuff will be installed as part of the .Net framework so that should be okay. If you really aren't using any ADO you may want to try removing the references to ADODB and the MSDATASRC dlls from your project and rebuild - just to see if no errors are caused.
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