Updating desktop application remotely.


Jan 4, 2005

We have an application that many of our clients use on their machines. What I was wanting to do is when this application is updated, the updated version could go into a folder on our web server. The application on the client machine would check this web server to see if the version is higher than the one the client currently has. If so the client is offered to install the new version.

I have see this thing as a user. But as a developer how easy is this process? Is it something I would have to write totally or is there a more simple way of acheiving this?

Cheers, Dave.
Thanks for that Deisel.

I just wanted to know what was out there so I didn't start reinventing the wheel etc.

Not read all of the link yet, but I would say that was just what I was looking for.

Thanks mate! :D
I have had a partial success, but I have come across two problems.

When I run the application locally in visual studio 2005 the is a mdb file in the bin folder of my solution, which works just fine. When I publish the solution using the clickOnce approach this mdb file does not get published.

I managed once or twice to get it to publish to one of the other folders on the client machine but not in the folder with all the dll's etc.

The second problem I got was using clickOnce from behind a proxy server. I found this link but the fix was no good: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917952. Has anyone any ideas?