Updating a deployed ASP.NET application


Jan 27, 2003
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Hi again!

So here's my question - I have an ASP.NET application deployed on a web server machine, and it successfully works. However, I have had to make changes to the code in a couple of the files (notably, a Webform.aspx.vb, and a class .vb file).
My question is: how do you save and enact these changes on the web server? Right now, if I save the files in the correct place on the web server, none of my changes are seen when I run the app. Help!! Thanks!
I haven't a clue about your problem technically speaking, but, as a blind guess, how about the application is cached and/or running and so the updated files have never been loaded into memory.

If my quess is correct, with the exception of a tool to clear the application out of memory, a restart of the web server probably will load your new code.
If you change a .vb file you will need to rebuild the project and then deploy the \bin directory to the server as well.

Alternatively you can allow JIT compilation of the code by adding a SRC= attribute to the page directive in the .aspx page (can't remember the exact details of hand - search MSDN it will probably say how)

One of the big plus points of ASP.Net (compared to ASP) is that you do not have to shut down the application to update it.
Thanks Plaus. After getting off my rear and actually reading up a bit more on MSDN's website, I started to read up on that, and it makes perfect sense. Thanks for your help - you too, hbash54. Take it "sleasy". :D