UpdateList Method for Sharepoint Lists Web Service


Sep 6, 2006
I am trying to write a windows form app that allows me to update a Sharepoint List. Every example I've seen says that once add a web reference to the list using http://server_name/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx you can use that reference to create web service instance, a method of which is List so a declaration should look like
Dim listService As New sp.Lists()
Dim listService as sp.Lists = New sp.Lists()

However, when I create the reference, Lists is not a method under the namespace sp which is what I called my web service reference. when I type "sp." Lists doesn't appear in the intelli type drop down as an option. I get all sorts of other things like ListsSoapClient and GetListRequest, but not Lists. What am I doing wrong?
Nevermind, I figured it out. When you click on Add Service Reference you can't select the reference from there, you click on the advanced button in the lower left corner which takes you to the Web Service dialog.