I am trying to write a windows form app that allows me to update a Sharepoint List. Every example I've seen says that once add a web reference to the list using http://server_name/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx you can use that reference to create web service instance, a method of which is List so a declaration should look like
Dim listService As New sp.Lists()
Dim listService as sp.Lists = New sp.Lists()
However, when I create the reference, Lists is not a method under the namespace sp which is what I called my web service reference. when I type "sp." Lists doesn't appear in the intelli type drop down as an option. I get all sorts of other things like ListsSoapClient and GetListRequest, but not Lists. What am I doing wrong?
Dim listService As New sp.Lists()
Dim listService as sp.Lists = New sp.Lists()
However, when I create the reference, Lists is not a method under the namespace sp which is what I called my web service reference. when I type "sp." Lists doesn't appear in the intelli type drop down as an option. I get all sorts of other things like ListsSoapClient and GetListRequest, but not Lists. What am I doing wrong?