underlying connection was closed:unable to connect to remote server


Feb 2, 2006
I have been receiving this exception for over a week with a .NET remoting app and can't find a solution anywhere that works. Below I'll paste my config files and the client code calling the remote method. I'd really appreciate some assistance. The Server code and files are on a remote server within our facility and have been told more than once there is no firewall between my workstation and it. So firewalls are out of the question as the source of the problem. I assume its somewhere in my config files but I've tried everything I've seen on the net.

I receive the Net.WebException: underlying connection was closed:unable to connect to remote server exception message.

Any thoughts?


client config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>




<!-- <channels> 

<channel ref="http" port="1234" /> 

<channel ref="http" port="1235" /> 

</channels> -->

<client url="http://agiledev2.sanmina-sci.com/DataExtractService">

<wellknown type="AgileExtractNegotiator.ITNSManager, AgileExtractNegotiator" 

url="http://agiledev2.sanmina-sci.com:1234/DataExtractService/TNSManager.soap" />

<wellknown type="AgileExtractNegotiator.IDataExtractManager, AgileExtractNegotiator" 

url="http://agiledev2.sanmina-sci.com:1234/DataExtractService/DataExtractManager.soap" />



<channel ref="http" />



// <customErrors mode="off"/>




server config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <channel ref="http" port="1234"/>
   <lifetime leaseTimeout="20M"
      leaseManagerPollTime="3M" />   
    <WellKnown mode="SingleCall"
       type="DataExtractServer.DataExtractManager, DataExtractServer"
       objectUri="DataExtractManager.soap" />
    <WellKnown mode="SingleCall"
       type="DataExtractServer.TNSManager, DataExtractServer"
       objectUri="TNSManager.soap" />
  <customErrors mode="Off" />


client code:
Visual Basic:
Dim app As Windows.Forms.Application

Dim rc As RemotingConfiguration

Dim strConfigFile As String = app.StartupPath.Trim & "\DataExtractLogin.exe.config"



Dim rh As RemotingHelper = New RemotingHelper

Dim tnsm As ITNSManager = CType(rh.GetObject(GetType(ITNSManager)), ITNSManager)

Dim props As IDictionary = ChannelServices.GetChannelSinkProperties(tnsm)

props("username") = "*********"

props("password") = "********"

Dim TNS As TNSGeneral = New TNSGeneral


TNS = tnsm.GetTNSInfo

Catch rEx As RemotingException

MessageBox.Show("Remoting Exception: " & rEx.Message.Trim, _

"Remoting Service Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop, _

MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification)

Exit Sub

Catch argEx As ArgumentException

MessageBox.Show("Exception: " & argEx.Message.Trim & argEx.InnerException.Message)

Exit Sub

Catch aEx As ApplicationException

MessageBox.Show("Exception: " & aEx.Message.Trim & aEx.InnerException.Message)

Exit Sub

Catch nrEx As NullReferenceException

MessageBox.Show("Exception: " & nrEx.Message.Trim & nrEx.InnerException.Message)

Exit Sub

Catch nwEx As Net.WebException

MessageBox.Show("Net Web Exception: " & nwEx.Message.Trim)

Exit Sub

Catch Ex As Exception

MessageBox.Show("Exception: " & Ex.Message.Trim & Ex.InnerException.Message)

Exit Sub

End Try
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