UITypeEditor help....


Junior Contributor
Nov 9, 2004
I am using a third party piece of software called FlyGrid, which is a piece of software that provides a more advanced grid control. The only problem I have is that I want to create a custom combobox, which context is from an arraylist or arraystring. According to the flygrid development team I need to create a UITypeEditor, what they said is below:

DynamicallyAutoDetectDataTypeColumn dinamically detect which type of editor can be used on editing certain cell.
DynamicallyAutoDetectDataTypeColumn extracts type of data in the cell and extracts UITypeEditor instance for this type.
UITypeEditor helps to provide list of values or use dialog editor (elllipsis button) editor for editing current cell.

The problem is that I do not know how to create the UITypeEditor code, and I have been trying to do this for a couple of days, with no joy :(

Is it possible for someone to help me out and give me an example (VB.NET please) as this would be very helpfull.

