Tutorial for VB.NET + DirectX9.0 needed


Senior Contributor
May 21, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts
i need a tutorial for VB.NET with DirectX needed
i installed everything and i tried some of the directX wizards but i didnt understand it... i just need some1 to write a tutorial 4 me so that i can understand the basic fundamentals of DirectX-start with directDraw please

if ANYBODY can make a tutorial, please do so, OR send me a site with begginners VB.NET with directX
www.directx4vb.com try the DirectX 7 section, it will teach you how to use DirectDraw(DX9 tutorial is only for Direct3D whcih is completely different so if you want to use 3D you should start with the D3D tutorial)
(scratches head) i downloaded this file

Download the source code for the DXTest VB.NET sample. http://sunlightd.virtualave.net/Windows/DirectX.NET/DXTestVB.zip

i opened up the "Visual Basic .NET project file", it says several things were missing, ..
did i do something wrong or is the tutorial messed up

i couldnt find the SLN file..
and it said, "form1.txt" is missing
can someone tell me if IM doing anything wrong?
thanks in advance