Troubles with serializing of remote objects


Junior Contributor
Oct 10, 2003
I have some troubles with my remote objects.

My "middleman" looks like this
Visual Basic:
Public Interface iMyProperties
    Inherits IDictionary(Of String, IProperty)

End Interface
Public Interface IProperty

    ReadOnly Property Properties() As Specialized.ListDictionary
    WriteOnly Property [Property]() As DictionaryEntry
End Interface

In the server I have a class marshaled that implements iMyProperties, one of my classes contains numeric only ListDictionary that implements IProperty.Properties and receiving it in the client as a ListDictionary is no problem. Another class has Strings in the ListDictionary and if I have more than one item there I get a SerializationException, one item is no problem :confused:

Can anyone please help me?
Hi all,
problem solved.
It's using properties that caused the problem, changing it to a function and a sub solved it halfways, returning only strings and numbers made the rest work.

My "middleman" now looks like this
Visual Basic:
Public Interface iMyProperties
    Inherits IDictionary(Of String, IProperty)

End Interface
Public Interface IProperty

    Function Properties() As Specialized.ListDictionary
    Sub [Property](value As DictionaryEntry)
End Interface
