Treeview Control Gives Horizontal line


Junior Contributor
Dec 31, 1969
Orlando, FL
I am using the treeview control from MS

I can make the demo work, but when I run it, I get a horizontal line, instead of a tree.

It looks like I am missing a style sheet or something - anyone ever seen this before?
TheWizardofInt said:
I am using the treeview control from MS

I can make the demo work, but when I run it, I get a horizontal line, instead of a tree.

It looks like I am missing a style sheet or something - anyone ever seen this before?

The deal with this (for anyone who cares) is that Win XP Pro won't render the images properly.

If you do the development on Win 2000k, it is fine. If you use Win XP Pro to see it running on Win2000K, it is also fine