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Hi, all!


This is what should be a relatively easy question (I hope). I've got a texture loaded that contains several frames of an animation I'd like to place on a sprite.


My vertex format is Position and Texture1, and is defined by the following structure:


Public Structure Vertex
  x As Single
  y As Single
  z As Single
  tu As Single
  tv As Single
End Structure


What I'd like to be able to do is transform the texture coordinates in real-time to produce the animation effect.


So, my drawing code (very much abbreviated) looks like this (where m_buffer is a VertexBuffer object storing my sprite coordinates, and m_texture is an instance of the Texture class that contains the entire animation):


Public Sub draw(ByVal device As Direct3D.Device)
  device.VertexFormat = VertexFormats.Position Or _

  device.SetTexture(0, m_texture)
  device.TextureState(0).TextureTransform = _

  ' Transform the world coordinates
  device.Transform.World = getSpriteMatrix()

  ' Transform the texture coordinates
  device.Transform.Texture0 = getTextureMatrix()

  ' Draw.
  device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2)
End Sub

Private Function getTextureMatrix() As Matrix
  Dim retVal As Matrix = Matrix.Identity

  ' Determine the current frame...
  ' <code removed>

  retVal = Matrix.Multiply _
   (retVal, _
    Matrix.Scaling(curFrameWidth, curFrameHeight, 0) _ 

  retVal = Matrix.Multiply _
   (retVal, _
    Matrix.Translation(curFrameLeft, curFrameTop, 0) _

  Return retVal
End Function


Some more information: My vertex buffer contains four verticies, defined as such:







Note that all z values are zero, and that the tu and tv coordinates are identical to the x and y coordinates.


When I run the program, I notice that the texture coordinates properly scale, but they never seem to translate, and always anchor themselves to the texture origin.


I just now realized that I probably need to set the translation coordinates in the 3rd row instead of the 4th, since texture coordinates are 2D...


<edits code>


Well, that didn't work either: now, every other frame (when I perform the texture translation) I get a blank image, instead of my picture of water. Previously, I was just getting the same frame over and over.


The new code looks like this:


Private Function getTextureMatrix() As Matrix
  Dim retVal As Matrix = Matrix.Identity

  ' Determine the current frame...
  ' <code removed>

  retVal = Matrix.Multiply _
   (retVal, _
    Matrix.Scaling(curFrameWidth, curFrameHeight, 0) _ 

  retVal.M31 = curFrameLeft
  retVal.M32 = curFrameTop

  Return retVal
End Function


OK, so I still need help on how to properly translate texture coordinates.


Thanks in advance!




Well, all, I seemed to have solved my own problem again :P


The issue had to do with the fact that I was actually multiplying the scaled texture matrix (in the getTextureMatrix function) by a new matrix returned by another function, get2DTranslationMatrix. That function returned a matrix with all zeros except for the M31 and M32 positions. So, naturally, when I multiplied it by the scaled matrix, the scale values went to 0.


Boy do I feel like an idiot :P


Thanks anyway!



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