Toolbar problem


Oct 2, 2003
On my toolbar I have some buttons with images.

When I set the toolbar button to enable = false, the image disseapear and instead I see a dark rectangle image on the button.

I would have expected to still see the image, but grayed out.

How do one make possible to see whats on the button when it is not enabled. I tried to remove the image temporary when the button is disabled and put some text instead without any success.

I guess it must be an old fact how to handle this problem, but I have not succeded to see any solution for this. Got any ideas ?
Hi, I went through the same problem when I started programming, basically I came to the conclusion that the standard Toolbar control is limited. There were reasons why it did not work, but I forget what they are.
Anyway I went for a third party control that has more functionality that you can throw at it! Like being dockable customizeable etc etc, none of which the standard control offers.
Oh and of course no problem at all with images!
I think it depends on your background color of the icon you have choosen to your toolbar. I have given up the image stuff, could not find any solution for it. Instead I have made a transparent icon with text and that works fine.
Works fine for me, and I do nothing specific for it, I do have all my images in an imagelist, will that help you.
As long as the transparent color is set properly on your imagelist control you should be fine.