To many in add/remove programs..


Nov 27, 2003
I have been noticing that every time i install a newer version of my program, that it seems to just keep adding a new one to the add/remove programs list. I have the "Remove Previous" property turned to true in the properties for the Setup Project.

What could be the problem?
i also noticed that when you remove them all from the add/remove programs, it leaves just the folders in the C:\Program Files directory. Only folders no files.
Are you actually changing the product version number, in the properties of the setup project? If not, it won't remove previous versions (because there technically aren't any).
Oh.. so if i change the Version in the Properties for the setup project, it wont know there are previous versions?

If so do i just leave it at like version 1.00 or something and not ever change it?
Well I'm assuming that these new versions of your software actually do have new version numbers (set in AssemblyInfo) so it's important to remember to update your setup project to reflect the new version.
Lanc1988 said:
Oh.. so if i change the Version in the Properties for the setup project, it wont know there are previous versions?

If so do i just leave it at like version 1.00 or something and not ever change it?

Actually you got that backwards, you NEED to change the version in the setup properties.

My experince is when I was learning all the setup things, that I did not change it and when I tried to run the setup on another computer that already had the pprogram with same verion number, I woould get an error and not even go through the setup process
i 'have' been changing it in the properties window for the setup project. but it still makes new ones in the add/remove programs.