This is wierd, button stopped working


Nov 6, 2003
Hi, I have an project that up until two days ago was working perfect. What is happening is that on the first page there is a login page, with a submit button. Now, all of a sudden, if you click submit, NOTHING happens. But the thing is, that on my development machine, the submit button works perfectly, executes the code and allows user to login, but when I deploy it to the webserver, it won't run the code at all, it just sits there. I have tested this by adding other buttons to the page and labels, and again, it works on dev, but not on the web server. Nothing has been done to the web server that hasnt been done to the test machine so I'm stumped. Any ideas why the button click won't fire its event and run code?
Make sure the webserver has the .Net framework installed correctly. If you browse to this page and do a view source do you see HTML or lots of tags begining with <asp: ?
no there arent any tags that start with <asp when i view source, and asp pages are working fine on other sites.

Also, as a test a populated a label with text from the on page load event, and that works is just that nothing happens when I click a button.

Im wondering if the windows update from 2 days ago shagged it? I'm stumped.

and actually, after further testing, the buttons are only not working on this ONE page....strange that it works on dev but not web, very very wierd :)
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well, I found out that it is related to the validation controls on the page for the form. If i delete all the validation controls, then the button event works, but if the validation controls are there, the event never fires when button is clicked.

This is something that just stopped working, and again, it works on the dev machine. Any ideas? I tried pasting the webuivalidation.js in the asp_client folder and no luck.
Okay this is definately related to something being hosed with validation. As I go further into the project, all of the pages with validation on it, the buttons don't work. on the dev machine they all work fine. suggestions?
Are the validation controls displaying their error messages or just causing the post backs to be prevented? If the second case then have you got different versions of software on the dev machine to the hosting server?
If not it may be worth re-installing the framework on the hosting server.
PlausiblyDamp said:
Are the validation controls displaying their error messages or just causing the post backs to be prevented? If the second case then have you got different versions of software on the dev machine to the hosting server?
If not it may be worth re-installing the framework on the hosting server.

I re-installed the .net framework last night and the problem is still there, however, I noticed on other websites on the server, the problem is NOT occuring, so I think it is just for this project, should I just destroy the folder and start all over with the deploy maybe?