: The authentication mechanism is unknown


Nov 13, 2003
I am trying to use Active Directory to check the groups that the current user is a member of. I was trying to use
HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(role) and it always returned false. I am a member of the Domain\WebAdmin group, but
IsInRole("Domain\WebAdmin") returns false when it checks my account against active directory. My server OS is Windows 2000 Server.

I used the following function to run through the debugger and see if I was authenticating to active directory:

Public Shared Function GetUserGroupMembership(ByVal strUser As String) As StringCollection
Dim groups As New StringCollection
‘ UsrName and PWD below are the username and password of a user I created with
‘Administrator privileges in Active Directory
Dim obEntry As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=org", "UsrName", “PWD")
Dim srch As New DirectorySearcher(obEntry, "(sAMAccountName=" + strUser + ")")
Dim res As SearchResult = srch.FindOne()
If Not (Nothing Is res) Then
Dim obUser As New DirectoryEntry(res.Path)
' Invoke Groups method.
Dim obGroups As Object = obUser.Invoke("Groups")
Dim ob As Object
For Each ob In CType(obGroups, IEnumerable)
' Create object for each group.
Dim obGpEntry As New DirectoryEntry(ob)
Next ob
End If
Return groups
End Function 'GetUserGroupMembership

When objEntry is created I looked in the debugger and the following error was thrown for some properties of the object but the program doesn't crash yet:
“<error: an exceptionof type:{System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException} occurred>”.
If I don't specify CN=users in my adsPath then I don't get this error, but I am still unable to use the DirectorySearcher object.

When I continue with the step through on the debugger the program crashes with the following error when the FindOne () method is called:
“System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The authentication mechanism is unknown”

I can’t find any documentation for this error and I am new to using active directory, so I would appreciate any suggestions for things I can check.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the reply. I already tried that one though. I removed myself from every group except DOMAIN\WebAdmin and I got the same result.
Are you sending your user name and domain separately in the ldap string? if so, try combining them. that solved a similiar problem for me