textbox.enabled changes font color!


Junior Contributor
Sep 26, 2003
Audubon, Nj
How can I CONTROL the color of the font that is changed when a textbox control is enabled=false/true?

I can obviously set and match when TRUE, but false it will take matters into it's own and decide what color - that doesnt match the one that I want.

Please help
Textboxes take their disabled colour from the user's settings under control panel - display properties.
Is there a reason why you want to override the defaults as forcing a particular colour could cause problems if a user is ever running under a different desktop theme.
My application is a business platform used by our employees, in the place of business. The cpu's belong to us, and are left here when they leave. The application takes up full screen, and the users are not allowed to access any other applications, includeing customizing sounds and colors in their control panel.

There themes and configurations are of no concern to me, however - this is an interesting point shall I consider rolling my application down to home use. Thanks for pointing that out.

Perhaps you can reccomend another way to disable them from cursoring into the box either by mistake or on purpose?
Would they ever need to type anything in this box or would it be purely for display purposes? If never could you not use a label or similar?
Failing that you could either set it to read only. If the issue is with them just hitting TAB and landing in the control you could set the TabStop property to false - however this will not prevent them using the mouse to select the control.
I will use a label. I like the boarder effects of a textbox, and I change the colors of stuff all the time. I'm an artist at heart, and change the colors of my applications to produce a feel other than hard-up "corporate get your work done" style. Makeing the employees feel comfortable is important to me.