Textbox Autocomplete and Datagrid Problems in VB.net


Nov 17, 2007
hello gurus! :)

i am new to VB.net and i am now exploring the some of the controls in VB.net :)

i have a problem with regards to autocomplete in VB.net 2005

in my textbox, i set the AutoCompleteMode to "SuggestAppend" and i have filled my AutoCompleteCustomSource.

the autocomplete works but with one problem.... i have a problem with regards to "/" character

in my attachment when you type "A"... and your succeeding characters is with "/" character... it will not display the rest of the characters...

for example, "A. VALVE 1/2 X 3/4" in textbox will display "A. VALVE 1/".

i would like to ask also about displaying "ENTER KEY/vbcrlf" in datagridview... my data has "enter key" but in datagrid... it only displays "square" character... how can i use the enter key value to display my information correctly in my datagridview?

for example,

Address Contact Person Telephone No
#123 San Juan Street, Joe Smith 999-99-99
San Isidro City,
Cagayan, Australia
#143 San Lorenzo Street, Lea Smith 999-99-99
San Isidro City,
Cagayan, Australia

How can i achieve this kind of display?

I hope that you can help me with regards to my problem... it really confuses me :(


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hello guys!

i resolved the datagrid issue by setting the wrapmode = true in datagridview

but with regards to textbox autocomplete error... i cant find a way to display autocomplete "/" correctly

i hope that you can help me with my problem guys :(
I once used keypress/textchanged event for text box to get customized autocomplete feature. Try it out. Only thing is that you may have to write more than 50 lines of code and get information from database many times during the process.

All the best!