Text Box Unavailable in Direct X 8.1 ??


Jan 3, 2005
I've been trying to create a Text Box for users to type in, in DirectX 8.1, but I could not find the class for it. All I can find is the Edit Box.

So right now, I'm creating a 9 line Text Box from 9 separate Edit Boxes. Any chance this can work, because I'm already running into problems when handling new line, backspace, delete and insert keyboard characters. Tracking the text cursor is also another problem.

Anyone has some idea on how to create Text Boxes other than the method that I am resorting to?
Is DirectX 8.1 even available for .NET?
Why can't you just use the textbox control provided with .NET? You just have to enable the MultiLine property and you can type in multiple lines.

-The Pentium Guy
Yea 8.1 is available for .NET. In any case, I was also unable to find the TextBox control for 9.0c.

I need to use directx because I'm creating a 3D-game like program and i need to draw an transparent / translucent Textbox control, so I cant use the Textbox control provided by .net (unless it can achieve transparency)

Btw, I've tried employing a textbox in an MFC window but it jumps out of my 3D-game when I activate my MFC window.
THe textbox control can acheive transparency (I think), there's an opacity property for a lot of the controls. Even the form has that property.
Sorry if that doesn't help you.
-The Pentium Guy