technical question


Mar 5, 2002
Poland, Silesia
I've created Setup Project (with all dependencys and any nessesary files needed for my application to run correctly). I found some files in Setup1/Debug/ folder (.ini .msi and some .exes) and send my friend to test it. When he run setup.exe, note about .NET Freamework appear. I think this setup should connsist this framework, but it doesn't. How do you guys develop your programms? How did You solve it? and what does those files in "/debug" folder do?

thanks for help
The files in the Debug folder are used by the IDE when performing background building of your solution, they don't need to be deployed. Only the files in the bin folder (and even then, there may be .pdb files that aren't needed) should be deployed.

I made a sticky thread at the top of the Deployment forum with a link to an article on MS regarding deploying the .NET framework automatically with your application.