Table Backcolor forms border around cell when border is 0


Jul 30, 2003
Ames, IA, USA
Hey everyone, I have a problem and was wondering if anyone knows how to get around this.

I need to create a table and then set it's class from a stylesheet to have a backcolor, which is very easily accomplished and works great. The table has multiple cells, and in the top row on the second cell I need to put an image which is called 'corner.gif' which makes the table appear a lot like a folder. This works great in classic asp and there are no issues. You simply set the cell to display the image and set the backcolor for that cell to white. However, when I do this in, the cell still has a border that is the original backcolor, that is seemingly impossible to get rid of. If I move the class down to the table rows, rather than the table, then I get white gridlines where the cells do not cover, because the background of the table is not set. I was wondering if there is anyway to get rid of that border on the cell that has the corner piece. This is not an issue with setting the border in the table because it is set to 0 and there is no border or gridlines, it is simply an issue with the backcolor of the table and then the backcolor of the cell. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!

Here is how I am currently setting the top row cells:
Visual Basic:
'Please note that Table1 is a drag/drop table on the designer, and is 
'colored/designed via the stylesheet
Dim myRow As TableRow
Dim myCell As TableCell
Dim ddtext As String
Dim i As Integer

'top row:
myRow = New TableRow
myCell = New TableCell
myCell.Text = "Equipment Specifics"
myCell.Font.Bold = True
myCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
myCell.Wrap = False
myCell = New TableCell
myCell.BackColor = Color.White
myCell.Text = "<IMG SRC=images\corner.gif>"


I found a solution, although it is not the one that i really wanted, it works. I basically abandoned tables altogther, used a bunch of drag/drop controls and put them in an organized manner, then used an imagebox for the corner piece and got the desired look. Not exactly what I would have liked to do, and I would still be interested in finding a solution to this problem, but at least for now I have a working page that should appease the powers that be.