'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost' in asp.net


Mar 11, 2004
Hi everybody,

I am currently trying to evelop a dll which should convert an old VB Images to a VB.NET Picture (both from the Imagebox object). This, I have learned, can be done through the 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost'.

So, i have created a dll. The code is as follows:

Public Class ConvertImage
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.AxHost
Public Sub New()
End Sub

Public Shared Function ImageToIPicture(ByVal Image As System.Drawing.Image) As stdole.IPictureDisp
ImageToIPicture = GetIPictureFromPicture(Image)
End Function

Public Shared Function IPictureToImage(ByVal Image As stdole.IPictureDisp) As System.Drawing.Image
IPictureToImage = GetPictureFromIPicture(Image)
End Function
End Class

I have tried including the dll in other projects, and it works just fine. However, when trying to make this work in asp.net I get an error:

Compiler Error Message: BC30007: Reference required to assembly 'System.Windows.Forms' containing the base class 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost'. Add one to your project.

Now, my development machine is not the same as the webserver; could it be that I need to copy some support-files or anything? My previous work seems to run just fine, so I'm not sure what can be wrong.
Ok, thanks for the quick reply!

Hmm... do you know if there is any other way of converting a VB Image to a VB.NET Picture? I've been looking al over the net for this, but can't seem to find a way...