System Tray


Mar 8, 2004
Hi to all,

i'm working currently in a windows aplication and i want to put it int the system tray. That easy and i've done that.

now the aplication checks that database every 30sec (for example) to see if new information has come in. When that happens I wanted to do something like messenger does when someone logs in. I want the form to apear from the system tray and hide some time after.

any ideia how to do this?

Show the form, set a timer, when the timer elapses, hide the form and show the system tray icon. Are you having a problem with the syntax?
i know how to put the icon in the system tray and show and hide the form. no problem there.

what i want is to show the form the way msn messenger does. in the lower corner of the screen and it pop's with smoothness
To set the location of the form to the bottom right corner, set StartPosition property = Manual and code something like this

this.Location = new Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - this.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - this.Height);

If you want the form to fade in, set the opacity of the form to 0 and start a timer in form_load, on the timer elapsed event, add .01 or whatever you see fit to the opacity of the form. When the opacity reaches 1 stop the timer.