Surface Problems


Feb 17, 2004
I'm building a 2D game that runs in a full screen resolution of 640*480 using and directdraw
But i have a problem.
What i want to do is create a surface in memory that stores the images that make up my level (walls, floor, etc).
Then create another surface in memory and draw (based on a 2D string array) my level to that surface.
This new surface would then be drawn to my backbuffer before flipping my surfaces.

Here is what i've got in my graphics class(This is based on tutorials @ Directx4.Net....

    Private targetform As Form = Nothing
    Private dddevice As Device = Nothing 'DirectDraw Device
    Private psurface As Surface = Nothing 'Primary Surface
    Private ssurface As Surface = Nothing 'Backbuffer
    Private LevelSurface As Surface = Nothing 'Background surface
    Private StructuresSurface As Surface = Nothing 'Surface containing bitmaps of all differnt objects(walls,floors etc)

    Private FullScreenRect As New Rectangle(0, 0, 640, 480) 'Rect to draw to the screen with

    Private clip As Clipper = Nothing
    Private needrestore As Boolean = False

    Private StructureFrames(3) As Rectangle 'Rect for each structure bitmap

    'Variables for FPS limiter - not relevant
    Private thisTick As Integer
    Private lastTick As Integer = Environment.TickCount
    Private sinceLastTick As Integer
    Private Const fps As Integer = 9

    'Map informationn
    Private height, width As Integer
    Private MapArray(9, 9) as integer

    Public Sub New(ByVal frm As Form)
        targetform = frm
    End Sub

    Public Sub InitDevice()
        'Create Device
        dddevice = New Device
        'Give device full control of the screen
        dddevice.SetCooperativeLevel(targetform, CooperativeLevelFlags.FullscreenExclusive)
        'Set display resolution and color depth
        dddevice.SetDisplayMode(640, 480, 32, 85, False)
        'Create Surfaces
    End Sub

    Private Sub InitSurfaces()
        'Create Primary and Secondary Game Surfaces
        Dim sdesc As New SurfaceDescription
        clip = New Clipper(dddevice)
        clip.Window = targetform
        sdesc.SurfaceCaps.PrimarySurface = True
        sdesc.SurfaceCaps.Flip = True
        sdesc.SurfaceCaps.Complex = True
        sdesc.BackBufferCount = 1
        psurface = New Surface(sdesc, dddevice)
        psurface.Clipper = clip
        sdesc.SurfaceCaps.BackBuffer = True
        ssurface = psurface.GetAttachedSurface(sdesc.SurfaceCaps)

        'Craete Surface with the 4 structure images in it
        StructuresSurface = New Surface("images/levelstructures.bmp", sdesc, dddevice)

        'Create Level Surface which we will build the level graphics on to
        LevelSurface = New Surface(sdesc, dddevice)
    End Sub

    Private Sub LoadLevelSurface()
        Dim i, j As Integer
        'For each row in array
        For i = 0 To mapheight - 1
            'for each column in that row
            For j = 0 To mapWidth - 1
                'Draw the Appropriate structure in the coresponding position (determined by the value in the MapArray array
                LevelSurface.DrawFast((j * 64), (i * 48), StructuresSurface, StructureFrames(mapArray(j,i)), DrawFastFlags.Wait)
    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateStructureFrames()
        Dim x As Integer
        For x = 0 To 3
            'Each image in the bitmap is 64*48 pixels
            StructureFrames(x) = New Rectangle((x * 48), 0, 64, 48)
    End Sub

    Public Sub FlipSurface()
        If dddevice.TestCooperativeLevel = False Then 'if the device is not ready
            needrestore = True 'indicate that there is a need to restore surfaces
            Return 'return
        End If
        If needrestore Then 'if need to restore
            needrestore = False 'turn the flag to false
            dddevice.RestoreAllSurfaces() 'restore surfaces
        End If

            'Fill Background
            'Draw LevelSurface surface to back buffer
            [color=red][b]ssurface.DrawFast(0, 0, LevelSurface, FullScreenRect, DrawFastFlags.Wait)[/b][/color]
            'Flip Surfaces
            psurface.Flip(ssurface, FlipFlags.Wait)
            'Limit the FPS
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.ToString(), MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly)
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub Dispose()
        'Dispose of objects in memory
    End Sub

    Private Sub LimitFPS()
        'Simple FPS Limiter
        thisTick = Environment.TickCount
        sinceLastTick = thisTick - lastTick
        lastTick = thisTick
        If sinceLastTick < (1000 / fps) Then
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((1000 / fps) - sinceLastTick)
        End If
    End Sub

The error i get is when i try and draw the structuresurface to the back buffer simply points out the line it occured on (highlighted in red)
Can someone tell me where i'm going wrong?
Do i need to set some kind of property on the surface?
I have attached the project that i am working from hoping that you guys might take a look at it.

I have to admit i dont' know what i'm doing wrong.
Whilst i'm no expert on this i certainly don't se any problems with my code.


Perhaps someone could show me how to do what i want?

Load a bitmap of 4 frames into memory, then build another surface the size of teh screen(640*480) in a 10*10 grid using those frames.
Then draw this surface to the backbuffer for every flip surface

Because i really cant see anything wrong with my code

I don't see you putting anything onto the LevelSurface surface, but you are accessing it with a Fullscreen rect... the surface (i think) is initialized to the previous surfaces size... which is the tile map... and is much smaller than fullscreen.

Usually, I would just use a For Loop and draw directly onto your surface.
Something like this:
RectFast = [COLOR=Blue]New[/COLOR] Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 48)  [COLOR=Teal]'Width and height
[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]For[/COLOR] iy = 0 [COLOR=Blue]To[/COLOR] 479 [COLOR=Blue]Step[/COLOR] 48  [COLOR=Teal]'Height of your tile.[/COLOR]
  [COLOR=Blue]For[/COLOR] ix = 0 [COLOR=Blue]To[/COLOR] 639 [COLOR=Blue]Step[/COLOR] 64  [COLOR=Teal]'Width of tile'During these loops, ix and iy will go through every candidate drawing position
'on the screen.[/COLOR]
    RandomNum = Ri.Next(0, 3)
    RectFast.Left = RandomNum * 64 [COLOR=Teal]'(or shift left 6)
'Generate a random 0, 64, 128, or 196... really it picks a random tile from
'the tileset to draw.[/COLOR]
    RectFast.Right = RectFast.Left + 64
[COLOR=Teal]'The top and bottom of the rect should stay the same.[/COLOR]
    BackupSf.DrawFast(ix, iy, TileSf, RectFast, [COLOR=Red]DrawFastFlags.Whatever[/COLOR])
[COLOR=Teal]'Draw it at our candidate location, from the tileset surface TileSf...
'our RectFast is bounding the tile that we want to draw.[/COLOR]
In the source code i included there is a sub called LoadLevelSurface in the graphics class.
At the moment (because it's dumbed down for easy reading) all it does is tile the first frame of the structures bitmap.

OK let me put another question to you.

Is it possible to...
  • Load a bitmap into a surface -contains 4 frames
  • Create a new surface (not backbuffer) and build the background from the previous surface onto this new surface in a 10*10 grid
Game Loop....
  • Draw this new background surface to the backbuffer
  • Draw other items(characters, objects etc) to the back buffer
  • Flip Surfaces

This seems like such a simple task but it's causing me a rediculous amount of problems
LevelSurface.DrawFast((j * 64), (i * 48), StructuresSurface, StructureFrames(0), DrawFastFlags.Wait)
You are drawing the first frame everytime in the loop.
You could make a random number from 0 to 3 and use that there instead. :)
I know - i actually do something a little more structured than that i simply made it "structureFrames(0)" to make it easier to read.
But this is all useless at the moment as my application doesn't work...

So is what i'm trying to do possible?
Am i going about it the wrong way?
Someone please put me out of my misery
I'm sure what you are trying to do is possible, but I'm trying to see how that error occurs... maybe I'll be able to figure it out on the weekend when I get back to my home computer :).

What is on my mind is that I think you have to specify a size for your LevelSurface, but I'm not sure.
No, the size of levelsurface would be defined when it is created (when you are not using a fullscreener or a surface from file). I believe that there are parameters that you must set in the SurfaceDescription to specify Width and Height. (And besides, it's not good practice to omit a size :) )
If the surface is not large enough to take the rectangle, then DX9 will probably give you an indescriptive error. :(
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OK - it is a bit slack i admit
and... i found sdesc.height & sdesc.width
Perhaps i need to specify the purpose of the surface aswell? Although i'm not sure how i'd do that. I'll try and explore the surfacedescription object
I'm going to re-write it again as i think my desperation for a solution has thrown my code into dissaray.

Will report back by end of day.

It works!!!
Iceplug - Big thanks to you for your input on this!

Now i can start on the hard bits ;)