Surface Draw and Texture with ColorKey how?


Dec 29, 2003
Hi Guys,

I'm using DirectX3D,
I'm trying to draw a Surface with a Transprent color - any idea of how i do that?
How can i set Surface ColorKey ?
And even when i set it, how do i StrechRectangle or UpdateSurface with this ColorKey as transperent?

I know i can use Texture - and ColorKey or Alpha, but i want to use Surface which is much faster.

Thanks, LDV
DrunkenHyena said:
Surfaces are not much faster. Where did you get that idea?

Just plain expiriance:
When i draw using Surface i get to 60FPS
And when i draw Texture using Sprite class i get 30FPS.

My experience is completely the opposite. Not to mention that there are so many things that Surfaces can't do (colour keys being one of them).

If your sprites are running at half the speed of a surface copy, I'd guess that you aren't doing something right.