Super Datagrid


Senior Contributor
Jul 22, 2003
I'm thinking about removing those stupid edit buttons on the side of my grid and implementing a onclick event that starts the edit.

Does anyone have insight into whether they can think of any bad reasons to do this? Or if its even possible?
You mean the edit/delete/cancel buttons?

You can remove them no probs!

I do the same myself all the time, and then add a template column and add in some nice images for buttons with click events which do the same.
I meant an event to start the edit when you click anywhere on the row. I'm still prototyping, but I currently am using template columns to use textboxes instead of labels, and then using a save button at the bottom of my page to go through the grid and save all the changes.
hi i just read that u always change t image of the buttons add, edit,delete buttons, that are available with the datagrid ..i have added a template column

i would like to add some nice images.. can u tell me how to do that and how to add either a checkbox or a radiobutton
thanks in advance ...
anywhere on the row
Good Idea,I like it...
,but in needs specifieing the mouse pointer or seting the colums of data(template columns) by an owerrited onClick method.
Theorical is possible!
U konw it needs time!(What that I haven't):)