"SUB" Licensing


Nov 14, 2003
This is strange yet interesting question.

I have an app that has been picked up for sale as by another software company as an optional add on to thier existing software. As it is an option, we are looking at a per seat comission.
To keep things clean for the end user and easy to maintain, I am planning on using a cell in the existing hardware key.
The software company will be doing all of the packaging shipping etc etc.
As a result I need a way to at least monitor the number of times this option has been installed - so I can get my $$ MONEY $$.

Without some form of licensing my software to the distribution software company, they could sell thousands of copies and keep the money

Please keep in mind without this money, my children could starve and end up homeless and I may not be able to buy whiskey. Please don't let me run out of whiskey..(and I guess I can feed the kids)

Any ideas????
The "optional" part will probably be part of the package in any way.
(Well, at least *I* wouldn't want to build to different sets for shipping.)

So I see two options:
Future users have to contact you to enable the optional part. --> You can keep track of the installs.

You negotiate an all inclusive package.