Stupid Datagrid/checkbox question


Oct 27, 2003
Chicagoland Area
For my own educational purposes, I am writing a program to allow me to upload and download files from a webserver. So far I have the code working the way I want with the uploading. HOwever I'm listing the files in a datagrid with mostly bound columns but one or two template columns. My problem is this.

When using a delete button for my event I scan through the datagrid to see if any of the check boxes have been checked. However, wether there is a checkbox checked or not it always comes back false. On the inverse, if I set the checkboxes to always say check it will only come back with true.

My thought is that I am running into a bug specifically with Windows 2003 server IIS 6.0 and not a VS .Net 2003 bug because I am following the code from IBuySpy and I cannot install that program on the IIS 6 or when I fudge it together I cannot delete or edit any datagrid items.

Could someone please send me something with regards to this?

-thanks - David