Structures and Late Binding


Jun 28, 2003
Interlaken, NY
I have a data structure that is known at compile time, so I thought I would put it in a structure. However, it seems like I am late binding, but I have no intention to (I didn't even know what it was before I got an error, because the Compact Framework doesn't support it).

Here is a snippet:

Visual Basic:
Enum commandEnum
    End Enum

    Public Structure commandStruct
        Dim commandType As commandEnum
        Dim commandCode As String
        Dim numBytes As Integer
        Dim text As String
        Public Sub New(ByVal commandType As commandEnum, _
                       ByVal commandCode As String, _
                       ByVal numBytes As Integer, _
                       ByVal text As String)
            Me.commandType = commandType
            Me.commandCode = commandCode
            Me.numBytes = numBytes
            Me.text = text
        End Sub
    End Structure

    Public resetCommand = New commandStruct(commandEnum.OtherCommand, "0x01", 0, "Reset MPU")

Now, when I try to access the data, like txtBox.Text = resetCommand.text, it says I'm late binding.

How should I be doing this differently?

Its late binding coz you havent given the type while declaring the object.

try this

Public resetCommand As commandStruct

resetCommand = New commandStruct(commandEnum.OtherCommand, "0x01", 0, "Reset MPU")

Then try to access the structure!
No, you are declaring it once, and then setting that variable to a new instance. When you declare a structure or class without setting it to New, you are creating a null reference to a commandStruct, meaning that it points nowhere, and you can't use any non-static class members. Once you use New, it creates a new instance and assigns it to the reference variable, rendering it usable.

Visual Basic:
'This creates an empty (null) reference to a commandStruct
Public resetCommand As commandStruct

'This creates an instance of a commandStruct and makes resetCommand reference it
resetCommand = New commandStruct(commandEnum.OtherCommand, "0x01", 0, "Reset MPU")