Strong Name signature could not be verified


Oct 18, 2006
OK - this is driving me crazy.

I published a site to our dev server, and it works perfectly.

I copied the files from dev to our QA server, and now I'm getting a strong name error -
"Could not load assembly "xxx" or one of it's dependencies. Strong Name signature could not be verified. The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the correct private key. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131045)"

How the heck could the web project work on one server and not the other? The assembly it is yelling about is a third party assembly, as a matter of fact, if I remove that one, it yells about all of the dll's, and none of the have been put into the GAC manually. Are these dll's being shadowed somewhere so that the private and public signatures do not match? I've tried everything from rebooting the machine to blowing away the IIS website and recreating it.

Help!! :confused: