Strings in .NET


Sep 17, 2002

I need some help with .NET for Visual Basic. Probably is extremely easy for you pros, but it's sure giving me a head ache.

I have a textbox, named txtinput.text and a numpad, named nud1.value.

At runtime text will be inputed into txtinput, and the numpad: Whether clicked up or down will display the left letters, center letters, and right letters, of the string.

I've have figured out how to get the left and the right side to work properly, but for the center, I have no clue.

txtleft.text 'displays the left side of the string

txtcenter.text 'displays the center of the string

txtright.text 'displays the right side of the string

This is my code for the numpad. No idea on how to get the center of the string to display correctly, any help? I deleted the mid function I tried, cause at run time it would start way out at the right end of the string, and go backwards when I clicked the numpad.

Private Sub nud1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nud1.ValueChanged

Dim input As String 'declaring as string
input = txtinput.Text 'input = textbox
txtright.Text = Strings.Right(input, nud1.Value) 'will input each letter from right to left according to nud value

input = txtinput.Text 'input = textbox
txtleft.Text = Strings.Left(input, nud1.Value) 'will input each letter from right to left according to nud value

If nud1.Value > Len(input) Then 'if nud1.value is greater than the string length and error box will appear
MsgBox("doesnt go that high, try agian", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "String Handler")
End If

End Sub


You can use the Substring method of any String to get the
"middle" (or beginning or end, depending on how you use it).
Substring is essentially the same as Mid(), except it is 0-based
(the index of the first character is zero).

If I understand correctly, and you're trying to get the string that
is between the end and the start, you want something like this
after setting txtLeft.

Visual Basic:
txtCenter.Text = input.Substring(nud1.Value, input.Length - nud1.Value)

The first parameter of Substring is the starting index to get the
string from. The second parameter is the length.

I'm not 100% sure on this, and you may need to stick in a +1 or -1


Not to familliar with .NET but in VB6 there are three functions

right$(String, length)
left$(String, length)


mid$(String, start, length)

see if .net supports that function
txtcenter.Text = input.Substring(nud1.Value, input.Length - nud1.Value)

I tried inputing this for code. It did almost the same thing as the mid() function.

For example:

I input 1234567

and say I had 4 for the num pad.




Center is off a little still :(

I tried modifying the code a little just to see what would happen.

txtcenter.Text = input.Substring(nud1.Value\2, input.Length \2 )

Using the same input of 1234567 and numpad of 4

txtcenter=345 which seems about right, till I change the value of the numpad... lets say 5

txtcenter.text=345 still

If I change the value to 6

txtcenter.text=456 which is still wrong.

If everything is correct, this should happen:

If I put in a 1 for the numpad, and 12345 for txtinput.text


If I would change it to 3 instead of one

txtcenter= 234

Any other suggestions?
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Sorry, maybe i haven't read your question close enough as it a bit hard to follow.
If you want to grab the middle 3 numbers of a string
Visual Basic:
strResult = mid$(strNumber , len(strNumber) \ 2 - 1 , 3)
Bad people! This is VB.NET! Use the Substring method of the string class, not Mid/Left/Right!