Stop Program from Working

Data Danger

Mar 25, 2004
Hi All

Can you stop a .net program from running over a intranet even if the clients machine as full right permissions granted? and is there a way to find out what permission set (code group) is being used when starting your program?

Regards Paul

Thank you for your time. The caspol just tells me that FullTrust is needed which I already no. This will mean that if a clients machine has fulltrust set on their intranet then the program will still run. What I,m looking for is, within my program how can I tell if the program was started over a intranet if it is started from a network place then application.Startup will display <\\server> so I can deal with this, but how can I tell if it is started from a mapped shared drive. I do not want my program to be started over a intranet or a internet location. Any ideals

Regards -Paul