Stongly typed collections


Dec 23, 2001
East Coast
I've been wondering, what is the advantage of a strongly-typed
collection (inheriting the CollectionBase and overriding the Add
method and the default property)? Is it:

a.) Easier to code with, because all the casting is done in the
Collection itself, and you get the advantage of IntelliSense and such,
b.) Increased runtime speed, because there isn't any boxing and
unboxing done to convert the types to and from an Object,
c.) Both, or
d.) Bucky, what are you smoking?

Now that I think about it, B seems a little ridiculous, since the
type is cast to and from an Object whether it's done in a
strongly typed collection or if it's done outside the collection.

Or maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about. :)
From that article:

However, the advantages of a strongly typed collection
class include its ability to hold only instances of the type you
designate and to add custom functionality particular to the class
it holds. This ensures that the items in the collection can be
worked with efficiently, without having to cast to the correct type.

I understand now... that makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

So I guess the answer would be D, huh? :D