StartupScript does not run in FireFox


Apr 23, 2004
I have an application that will display data depending on the county that a user chooses. The text "Download file for all facilities in this county in Excel file format" will not be displayed until the user makes a county selection. Once the selection is made, the page will display the data and also show a link to a downloadable file for that county.

Everything works really well in IE. The data are displayed on the page and there is a hyperlink on the text "Download file". When clicking on the link, the user gets a download dialog box and is able to either open or save the file.

However, when running in FireFox, there is no link on the text "Download file".

How can I make the link appear in FireFox like in IE? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

ASP Page
<asp:label id="lblDownload" CssClass="DownloadLink" Visible="False" Runat=server><a id="aDownload">Download file</a> for all facilities in this county in Excel file format.</asp:label>

Code Behind
Dim strStartupScript As String
strStartupScript = "<script language=JavaScript>"
strStartupScript = strStartupScript & " aDownload.href='" & Application("strFileFolder") & "/" & Session("strFIPSCountyCode") & ".xls'"
strStartupScript = strStartupScript & "<" & "/" & "script>"
Page.RegisterStartupScript("scriptSetHref", strStartupScript)
I know somethings that work in Internet Explorer, just don't work in FireFox and other browsers. This may be one of those cases, maybe somebody else knows a bit more.