Start process from ASP.NET


Nov 20, 2003
When i try to start an external application from ASP.NET with
Process.start(filename) method, it correctly starts but the UI
doesnt show. I only see the process running on the taskbar .

I tryied to change user privileges for aspnet account, but
it still doesnt work.

Any suggestion?

The application will be running as the aspnet account and as such will not be visible to the end user.
What are you trying to acheive - there may be an alternate way.
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i want to control that application from remote, with the browser, so i need to get its interface.
Theres no way to starts processes in a local account?
I've never come across a way of doing this myself, in fact this topic has been discused on these boards a couple of times now and no solution has been mentioned.
What application are you trying to launch?
Its a simple data entry interface.

but now i get :

Cannot execute a program. The command being executed was "c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\csc.exe" /noconfig @"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\webapplication1\b3c3931b\c580ed67\zql_q4-w.cmdline".

If you want to really run the application remotely, you are kind of stuck with PC Anywhere or Citrix or something like that. If you just need to monitor, your remote app could do something like log its actions which your asp application could poll and relay back.