SSL page not submitting.


Nov 19, 2003
Melbourne, Florida
has anyone else had a problem with a secure page not doing a post back? I have a login page that works just fine when accessing from a http address. But when I access it using https and click on my login button, nothing happens. I inserted a response.write line and I see it working on the http but no the https when the button is clicked. Is there something special I have to do in the code behind?

I can provide examples if needed. I am using forms authentications if that makes any differences.
You can access the page using both http and https? If it has an ssl associated with that directory or page, you shouldn't be able to access it through http. What does the web.config look like?
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I have tested it under both methods. I have made it only SSL at one point, but it was not working. The webconfig file currently looks like this.

<authentication mode="Forms">
		<forms name=".EPERMIT" loginUrl="login.aspx" timeout="30">

but at one point I had the requiressl set to true and the loginurl was to the https: site.

But the above method works fine, but I would rather it be secured. Thanks!
Found the problem, sort of. The page is now submitting, so I will work on the rest for now. I removed all the validators and it was happy again. So I am not sure what the deal was.
I know what I've done in the past was to add a validator to a field that was set to Enable client side code, then when i scroll down the form, hit submit, then the js code returns false to the page, but up out of the page's view, was the error I would never see!