Splash Screen doesnt have time to show image


Nov 27, 2003
I have a splash screen, i just have a frmSplash.Show and frmSplash.Close at the beginning and end of my main form's load event.

So anyway, when I didn't have a splash screen, it was taking about 3-5 seconds to load up my program, but now once i have added a splash screen, it shows the blank form, but it doest get the image loaded fast enough.. so it is basically showing a blank gray form for about 2 seconds then closing it and showing my main form.

Is there a way to load the image quicker, like before the splash screen form even shows? Or is there another way altogether that i can do this?
It might not be showing the image because the program is busy doing the things in the form load event, and once the program finishes the form load event, it closes the spash screen.
How do you call the Splash Screen?

If you call it from Sub Main then maybe a Application.DoEvents after showing the spalsh can do what you want.

TRy searching hero for other solutions... there're plenty of that around here! :D:D:D

Alex :p
i have some tabs on my main form, is there a way to add the Application.DoEvents so that when you go to a new tab, it already has everything loaded on it?

Because some tabs have many labels and controls, so it takes a small amount of time to load them. I would rather it be instant once you click the tab, if possible.
The tabpage controls r initialized the 1st time the tabpage is requested to show...

What is taking time is possibly some initialization code, not the rendering of the controls.
Try to initialize all code on New.

Alex :p