special characters


Mar 8, 2004
In MS word, in "Insert" menu, there's a "Symbol" menu function where users can insert special characters in their docs..

My manager wants a simialr functionality in the WinForm app we're doing..

any ideas on how to do that? I googled but not much luck.
To get the characters from whichever encoding type you are using, you could do something like...

int i = 0;
for (i = 0;i<256;i++)
texbox1.text += (char)i;

I'm not entirely sure what you want here... Did you want the interface or the code?
The interface

How do I create that "Symbol"'s box? Do I need to create a box, put ASCII characers in it, have an "insert" button and do the code you have to get the selections??

If so, too much work! I thought maybe there's a piece of code for it I could just insert into my code...
I guess you could use a panel, scrollbar and then a collection of labels to make the interface... then to generate the characters you could use my code... But to make it look identical, you're going to have to put more work in it that that...