Some Questions


Jun 18, 2004
I've got some questions ue to the fact that I'm a newbie in ASP.NET ...

I've wrote some WebControls to which I want to add some custom functionality. One of those is for example the simmulation of an mouseover ...
Therefore i have re-written the __doPostBack function for to transfer some additional event data on clientside events !

first question :

Why the hell does the mouseover event fire constantly during my mouse is over the webcontrol? how can it fire just once when it enters the region ?
in this case now there are too many onmouseovers and there is a constant round-triping so I lose many other events ...

second: how can I prevent this nervous click on a form's submit call in internet explorer ?

Could be nice if anyone can help me


Answer for the first question : Look for the event : MouseEnter or something like this. Mouse over is launched every time your mouse move over the control.

Answer for the second question : You can disabled the button in Javascript (client-side) righ after he clicked on it. So you wont be calling it twice. See what I mean ?

Have a nice day.
My intention is to handle custom user events on server side, which of course are initiated by a client-interaction with any webcontrol ( here the user moves the mouse over an webcontrol's image ) and then trasfered via JavaScript to the server ...
All this stuff functions correctly !

The only Problem is that even if I try with onmouseover="__MyDoPostBack(someargs)" or onmouseenter="__MyDoPostBack(someargs)" when I move the mouse over the webcontrol on client side ( of course this is here an <input type="image" ...> object ) the eventhandler __MyDoPostBack is called constantly! The events are called constantly and there are too many roundtrips ! That is the problem ...
I even hear the click each time when a submit() is called within the __MyDoPostBack and those are constant and really many clicks ...

What can I do against it ?

