Slight flicker (resizing not smooth) problem


Nov 29, 2004
I have an App that has several panels, and when i click in a button i collapse them into a minumum size.After i click another button, the panels return to their normal size. I do this changing the size of the panels.My problem is that when i expand them to the normal size the transition isn't smooth, there's some flicker.I've read something about double buffering; i used and it didn't help me with that. The other thing i read was to override the OnPaint() event and draw the panel by myself.

Is this the correct solution?If not can anyone help me with this?Pleaaaaaaaase.

Thanks in advance.
Got it but is method correct?

Hi! I've managed to make the collapsing/expanding very smoothly,still a little flicker due to a scrollbar i use. I used the SendMessage function to send a message with WM_SETREDRAW to false at the begining of the update and after the update is complete, i send a message with WM_SETREDRAW true.I was having a problem because the panel wasn't being updated so i invalidated the panel and now it works fine.This time my question is: Is this a good strategy to use or exists a better one?I would appreciate an answer.

Thanks in advance.