simple RPG game ;)

last time.. i hope this works :)

i deleted the EXE in the binary ;)

edit: Removed obj folder (contains EXE) and the PDB file from the bin folder (just debug information)


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It didn't work for me (problems playing the MIDI file), but after I commented it out, it worked just fine. I wouldn't worry about using DirectX at this point. The code is very small though, so converting yourself should be quite easy AND if you really want to use DirectX you'll have to get your hands wet sometime. Why not now?

Check out for samples in DirectX9. Plus there are a number of attachments on this board as well.

hehe.. actually that was a test program, my real program was going slow, and the way i learn is if someone fixes it for me, for instance..

when Mutant ( fixed my mario game to be flicker free, he did it in GDI+, after that, i learned GDI+.. so im just wondering if somebody can do this in directX?

btw, what problems were there in playing the MIDI, can u fix the code and post it?
It halts on the line:
Visual Basic:
lRet = mciSendString("open sequencer!" & MidiFile & " alias midi", "", 0, 0)

Maybe the file isn't found (though it's in the bin folder)...?

I don't understand how you can just pop into a forum and say "hey, can you convert my program into directx" and expect someone to just do it.

I'm not trying to insult you, but it strikes me as childish of you when someone says "the midi wouldnt play" and you reply "oh, well can you fix it for me and post it?"

If you want a game programmed in direct-x, you really have to learn directx for yourself. You can't expect someone else to just do it for you. You can learn from tutorials, or from other people's source. I learned alot about directdraw recently (in the past week) at, and from the source for tetris found in this directx forum. I am already started on a scrolling Zelda-style rpg.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me you ought to do your dirty work for yourself instead of expecting others to (unless you pay them). It's hard to find decent documentation on managed directx but if I can do it, you can too.
Actually moving up to Direct X is quite a step. Adding a dubble buffer to a GDI+ code isn't changing the whole architecture of the code, wich DX would.

So it wouldn't help you if someone rewrote your game in DX because not a single line would be the same and you wouldn't understand it more then the tetris code or any other source you could get your hands on.
