Simple question, but I can't find the solution


Nov 14, 2003
I'm sure you'll all be rolling your eyes and throwing things at me, but here goes with what should be a simple question that I have not been able to find a solution to:
I have a string

I need to find the delimiting characters (/,()) and split the problem so far.

The problem is I need to find the delimiting chars and include them with the splits.
eg: the string FOO,BAR/THIS(THAT)
should produce

I know this should be simple and I'm sure I'll suddenly awake at 3:00am slapping my forehead with a Homer "D'Oh"
Didn't you try with IndexOf ?
And... what it is doing in RegularExpression ?
Aren't regular expression for validating chars in a string to determine which one are valid or not ?
RegEx isn't my strong point (only just started to learn it...) but
Visual Basic:
' the following is close (\w*[,|/|\\|\(|\)]+)
Dim s() As String = Regex.Split("FOO,BAR/THIS(THAT)", "(\w*[,|/|\\|\(|\)]+)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace Or RegexOptions.Singleline)
happily delimits and includes the delimiters - unfortunately it also includes several empty strings - not 100% on what I'm matching there :confused: so hopefully somebody can fix / explain what the hell it is doing. :rolleyes:

Edit: similar (has the same problem for now) but if the items are always ASCII and the delimiters may vary try
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Hey thanks PlausiblyDamp!

That worked great!

I tinkered with the expression, I always ended up with a bunch of empty strings too, but it didn't really matter as I am looping through the resulting array to match to values from a separate XML.

Arch4Angel - thats why I'm using regular expressions. Strings can be painfully slow. Not to mention the overhead of countless lines of string manipulation to perform what a regex can do in one clean line.