Silverlight Cross-domain calls?


Jun 17, 2009
I have a little problem with Silverlight (C#)... I want to get the source code (html code) from a site e.g when the user clicks a button..
I can't seem to be able to use the WebClient or HttpWebRequest class due to Silverlight security rules that don't allow cross domain calls (for protection agains XSS and XSRF )
is there a way to get around that, since I have to download the source but the site doesn't have a cross domain request policy to allow it...
hope you understand what I mean..
thx in advance!
IIRC the target site (e.g. google) needs to allow this cross domain access (this is the same if you are using a flash based app).

What are you trying to get from google and could you not use their public API instead?
IIRC the target site (e.g. google) needs to allow this cross domain access (this is the same if you are using a flash based app).

What are you trying to get from google and could you not use their public API instead?

sorry if I didn't made my self clear, was just an example, not the actual site I am trying to get the source from...
The site I try to download the source from doesn't have a policy document to allow cross domain calls (to allow cross domain calls there must be a clientaccesspolicy.xml or crossdomain.xml file (policy document) in the root of the sites domain...)
so my question is, is there a way to get around that so I can be able to dl the source from any site?