silly problem with Dx 9 ... please help


Mar 1, 2004
I made a simple Dx 9.0 demo written in C#. It works fine on my dev PC (Visual Studio .Net 2003 + Dx 9 SDK), but when I try to run the demo on any other PC, it fails to load - just throws an exception and stops. None of the other PCs have the SDK installed, but do have the latest version of the Dx runtime + the correct .Net framework.

Is there some special way I need to build a Dx application so it can run on a machine with only the runtime installed? Does an app need to be specially registered or something, or can I simply copy the application to a new PC and run it immediately?

thanks for your time!

I'm assuming you compiled the executable under the Release configuration? You should be able to just copy and go assuming the machine you're running on has everything it's supposed to.
hmmm ... didnt work

The advice given sounded really plausible, but it didn't fix the problem. a) Built as "release" (as opposed to debug) and b) installed DirectX 9.0 with managed code support, but the problem is still there. Er, any other suggestions? I'm ready to go out and buy a book which explains Dx + managed code + deployment. This is getting a little frustrating because I can't share my builds with the artist on my dev team. To make matters worse, he installed the Dx 9 SDK as a workaround and that didn't help either. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, but the fact that my builds work perfectly on my own PC is really throwing me ....
The full and literal directions at have never failed me. Every time someone has reported a problem afterwards, it always turns out it's because they didn't install *managed* DirectX with the proper /installmanageddx flag. (This produces the exception you're probably seeing when they start up the app.)
